The Cabinet
- Cabinet Members 2021 - 2025:
The Cabinet is the top decision making body of Government, all functions of Government sit under the authority of Cabinet. Cabinet members for the next 5 years as follows:
- H.E Taneti Maamau, President and Minister for Office of te Beretitenti
- Hon. Dr. Teuea Toatu, Vice President and Minister for Finance and Economic Development (MFED)
- Hon. Ribwanataake Awira, Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources Development (MFMRD)
- Hon. Ruateki Tekaiara, Minister for Environment, Lands and Agriculture Development (MELAD)
- Hon. Alexander Teabo, Minister for Education (MoE)
- Hon. Dr. Tinte Itinteang, Minister for Health and Medical Services (MHMS)
- Hon. Martin Moreti, Minister for Women, Youth, Sports and Social Affairs (MWYSSA)
- Hon. Tabeta Teakai, Minister for Employment and Human Resources (MEHR)
- Hon. Bootii Nauan, Minister for Commerce and Industry & Cooperative (MCIC)
- Hon. Tekeeua Tarati, Minister for Information, Communication, Transport and Tourism Development (MICTTD)
- Hon. Mikarite Temari, Minister for Lines and Phoenix Islands Development (MLPID)
- Hon. Boutu Bateriki, Minister for Internal Affairs (MIA)
- Hon. Tarakabu Tofinga, Minister of Justice (MoJ)
- Hon. Willie Tokataake, Minister for Infrastructure & Sustainable Development (MISE)