Kiribati e boutoka ana babaire te UN
(Bairiki, Tarawa, Kanimabong 4 ni Maati 2022) ----- Kiribati e bon reitiia 141 aban te aonnaba ake a boonano iaon te kainibaire (resolution) ni kaineti ma te buaka are e riki ngkai imarenan Rutia ao Ukraine, ao ni kamatoaa te koaua iaon karinean ma aki uruakan inaomatan te aba teuana n ekaakinakoan tiana (border), ao kateimatoaan te rau n te aonnaba n aron are e kamatoaaki man Botakin Aban te Aonnaba (UN).
Kanoan te babaire aei are e a bon tia n rinanoaki ibukin kakoroan nanona n tain boowin te UN, are e kawaekoaaki n teweaki mairoun ana Kauntira n Tararua (Security Council) te UN n te Katenibong ae 2 bongin Maati 2022, ma te kaotinano ma irouia 193 mwaitia aban te aonnaba ake a kaaina te UN. Imwiin te kaotinano, ao mwaitiia aaba n raonaki ma Kiribati ake a boutokaa te babaire aei bon 141.
Aio bon te ka 11 ni boowii irouia Aban te Aonnaba ae onoti, imwiin moan karaoakina n 1950, ao te Tautaeka ni Kiribati e bon iira naba te boowi aei man anga ana boutoka nakon te babaire are e nang kakoroaki nanona.
E oioi ana boutoka Kiribati nakon te kainibaire ni kaaitaraa Rutia ngkai e bon rang n irekereke ma kanoan ana babaire ibukin reitakina ma aban tinaniku are e moamoa iai bon boutokaan ao kamatoan te tua ao ana kainibaaire te UN ibukin kateimatoaan te rau ae taabangaki imarenaia aban te aonnaba n reitaki ma karinean inaomataia aban nako te UN. Babaire aikai a bon irekereke ma aanga ni karekean te raoi imarenaia aaba aika uoua aikai.
Kiribati e bon raoniia aaba man te Aono n Te Betebeke, Eurobe, te Aono n Amerika, ao aaba nako ni boutokaa ana babaire te UN aio. Te boutoka ae e anga Kiribati aio bon tii te arona naba ma aron ana waaki ni boutoka n taai aika a nako, ao e na bon teimatoa Kiribati n anga ana boutoka nakoia aaba nako ao te UN.
Kiribati joins 141 nations in co-sponsoring a UNGA resolution for the Russia-Ukraine conflict, affirming the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and international peace and stability enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.
The resolution was considered for adoption by the General Assembly, after the conclusion of an emergency meeting of the General Assembly called by the UN Security Council with the votes made by all 193 members of the General Assembly on Wednesday 2nd of March 2022. The resolution was adopted by the General Assembly with overwhelming support by 141 member States, including Kiribati.
The General Assembly special session was the 11th convened since 1950, through a UN Security Council Procedural vote, and the Republic of Kiribati joined this session to lend support as a co-sponsor of the UNGA resolution for Ukraine.
Kiribati’s position to co-sponsor the UNGA Resolution remains consistent with Kiribati’s foreign policy objectives to support core principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations, in particular international peace and stability, territorial integrity, and sovereignty. The UNGA resolution include provisions, inter alia, calling for the resumption of diplomatic dialogue and the peaceful settlement of the conflict.
Kiribati joins diplomatic partners in the Pacific, Europe, America, and other regions across our United Nations to voice our support for this important UNGA Resolution. Our support and stance on this resolution remains consistent with similar resolutions we have supported in the past, and which Kiribati will continue to support at the international level and the United Nations.
For more info, contact:
Communications& PR Unit, Office of The President, P.O Box 68, Bairiki, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati
Tel: +686-75021183, Fax: +686-75021466, Mobile: +686-73026636; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.