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Nakoimi kaain Kiribati ni kabane mai Makin nako Arorae n ikotaki ma Banaba, Kiritimati, te aono n Raina ma Rawaki, ao ai n taabo nako ike kam mena iai.

N arana ae moan te Tabu ao Kam na bane n Mauri!

Au kaongora n te tai aio bon reitan ana kaongora ami Tautaeka are e a bon tia ni katanoataaki iaon babaire ibukin te kainiin are e waaki ngkai ao n reitaki ma rongorongo riki aika a boou ni kaineti ma butin te aoraki ae te COVID-19 ao rongorongo riki tabeua aika a kakawaki ibukin maurin te botannaomata.

N aron ae e kakoauaaki ao e waaki man te Kaonobong ae 22 bongin Tianuare 2022 kamatoaan kabonganaan te Kateniua ni kauring mai ieta ibukin te COVID-19 ike e moa te kainiin ke te lockdown man te aoa 3 n te bwakantaai.

Ni kaineti ma aei ao I a bon tia n tiainaa n te Kaonobong 22 n Tianuare 2022 te “Proclamation of a State of Disaster” ke “katanoatakin te kabuanibwai” ibukin Kiribati ae e bwanin bwa e aonga ami Tautaeka ni kona ni waakini ma ni kabonganai mwaaka riki tabeua ibukin karorakoran ana mwakuri ibukin maurin te botannaomata man te COVID-19.

E boboto karaoan aio ngkai e noora riaina Te Tautaeka bwa e a tabe n kekerake ngkai butinakon te aoraki iaon Tarawa Teinainano, Betio ma Buota ao e kakawaki bwa e riai n katokaki te mwainging iroun te botannaomata n te aro bwa ena kona n teimatoa te Botaki ibukin Te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki n reitanako aia mwakuri n ibuobuoki ibukin kauarerekean butinakon te aoraki aio.

Ibukin ongoraan te botannaomata ao e a tia ni kamatoaaki man te Botaki ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki bwa ai uangaun ma teniman (23) ngkai mwaitiia aika a tia ni manga kamatoaaki bwa iai manin te COVID-19 irouia itinanikun taabo ni katantan. Are nanona bwa n te tai aio ao e a keerake riki ngkai mwaitiia aika a COVID-19 nakon te mwaiti ae ai 59 bwa 36 ake bwatintia ao 23 ake a kaawakinaki ngkai n taabo ni katantan.

Ngkana arona bwa iai namakinan te aoraki iroum ao waekoa tarebooniia 555 are a na nambwa te Botaki ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki ae onoti ibukin te Aoraki aio ae e aki kabooaki ke kawara te Onaoraki are i Nawerewere rinanon te SOP are rabuna ubum ao taua raroam ma aomata. Moantaain rokom bon moantaain naba kauarerekean butinakon te aoraki aio.

E kakawaki bwa e na mataata te botannaomata bwa te curfew ke te kainin aio are e baaireaki bon tii ibukin Tarawa Teinainano, Betio ao Buota ma a kaungaki Mayors iaon abamakoro bwa ana kabongana te tai aio ni karaoi nanon kainibaire aikai ke SOPs ibukin maurimi ma ami botanaomata ao a kantaningaki Bureitiman iaon abamakoro bwa kam a iraorao ni mwakuri ma ami Mayors. Ibukin Kiritimati e bon tiku baireana iroun te Minita ibukin te Aono n Raina ma Rawaki.

N reitaki ma aio ao e a katokaki te mwamwananga irouia te botannaomata n nako aon aba ma a tii konaa n roko kaain Tarawa ake a bae iaon aba ibukin kauarerekean butinakon te Aoraki, e bon tabuaki naba te mwamwananga imarenan abamakoro. E bon teimatoa n uki nikirakin kaako ao bwainaoraki nako aonaba rinanon ana kainibaaire te Botaki ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki ma a kantaningaki kambana ni kaibuke bwa ana bon karekeia aia taan mwakuri ake ana ira te kaibuke ao ni kaerakei kaako nako mataniwin te aba ao taben te abamakoro anakin te kako mai mataniwin te aba ao ai taben te abamakoro ni karekeia ana tia mwakuri ibukin urakinan te takataka nako mataniwin te aba ao tabeia taan mwakuri nte kaibuke karuoana nakon te kaibuke. E karaoaki aei ibukin te tauraroa bwa totokoan butinakon te Aoraki aio. Kamatatan te kainibaire ke te SOP ena manga bon karokoaki inanon bain ami Kauntira nte tai ae waekoa. Tia bubuti naba aia ibuobuoki kambana ke bitineti ni kaibuke ke bao ni mwamwanga i taari bwa kamwa ibuobuoki nakon aio.

Te kakaitau nakoimi ara botannaomata ibukin te ongotaeka ao irakin nanon kaetieti are ti a mena inanona ngkai. Ia reita naba aio ma te kakaitaku nakoia ana taan mwakuri te tautaeka n retiaki ma te Taskforce ao bitineti ake teimatoa n tei I moan te waaki ni kaitara te Aoraki aio. Bonanora ni kabane n ibuobuoki bon ara tokanikai ibukia ara botanaomata.

Te bubuti bwa kam na bon teimatoa n tiku iaan mwengamii ao man aki nakonako ao kateimatoa te tebo bai, te tauraroa ao kabonganan te rabuna n ubu ni katoa tai ao a bati riki.

E na teimatoa n uki te boobwai man te aoa 6 n te moaningaabong nakon te aoa 2 n te bwakantaai ao kam kaungaki bwa kam na bobai n ami kaawa nako. Ai bon te kauring naba bwa kam aaikoa kawarii mweenga riki tabeua inanon taai akanne ma bon ti kabongana ibukin kainanomi ni karekei kanami.

Te kaako e na teimatoa naba n nikiraki n taian titooa inanon taai aikanne ao te bubuti bwa kam a buokiia bureitiman ibukin irakin nanon kaetieti aikai.

E teimatoa n uki kawaran te Onaoraki ngkana iai kainanoana.

N te tai aio ao e rangi ni kainanoaki te ikarekebai ao kateimatoaan te boboonnano ao te ongotaeka nakon iran kaetieti aika e na teimatoa ami Tautaeka ni kaakatanoatai ngkai ti teimatoa ni kabanea ara konaa ni kaaitaraa te aoraki aio. Ngkai e kakoauaki bwa ea bon butanako te Aoraki aio ao bon tabera ni kabane te uaia n ibuobuoki. Ai bon au bubuti bwa kam na aaki nako n nano, waekoa iiti ke kakoroi itimi bwa ngkana e koro nanon aio ao te kantaninga bwa e na uarereke rootakimi n te aoraki aio ao riki kain mwengami ake ana bon rangi ni kakairotaki. Ibukin ami rongorongo ao a teimatoa n marurung raoi koraki ake a kawakinaki ake ea tia n reke manin te Aoraki irouia ao iai ake iaon kawaina n toki te Aoraki aio irouia.

Ibukin riki ongorami ao te curfew order are moa man te kaonobong 22 n Tianuare 2022 ena toki korakorana nte Kanimabong 28 n te aoa 6 n te ingabong ma e kona ni manga reitinako ngkana e noraki kainanoana.

Ara onimaki n taainako bwa e na raoniira te Uea n anganiira te korakora ao te marurung ni kaaitara te aoraki aio.

Te Mauri, Te Raoi ao Te Tabomoa iaora ni kabane.

Ami Beretitenti ae mangori

Taneti Maamau.


State of Disaster Order Declaration and lockdown for South Tarawa, Betio and Buota.

President Taneti Maamau had today delivered a press statement to update the public on the status of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country and what the Government is doing to protect public health. The President also announced several new actions that the Government is taking, since the lockdown of 22nd January 2022, to mitigate the spread of the virus including a lockdown for the Capital South Tarawa, Betio and Buota village in North Tarawa.

The State of Disaster for the whole of Kiribati was proclaimed to trigger further authorisation and access of necessary resources to manage the impact of COVID-19 in Kiribati including a curfew order for South Tarawa, Betio and Buota as the Government believes this would allow it to mitigate its further spread in these areas without hindrance or delay.

The increasing number of community cases on South Tarawa and Buota requires restricted movement to enable our frontliners to undertake contact tracing in the interests of public health and safety from COVID-19 and the State of Disaster is a key component of these efforts. The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) can now confirm that there are now 23 COVID-19 positive cases outside border quarantine. The 36 passenger cases remain in border quarantine whilst the 23 are also in quarantine.

By declaring a State of Disaster, a number of actions are triggered by the President, including the zoning of areas to ensure people limit their access to shops for groceries and other essential services to their neighbourhoods and villages from 6am to 2pm. This alongside the curfew orders that were announced earlier remain in effect for South Tarawa, Betio and Buota only up to 6am 28 January 2022 unless another Order is issued before then and supersedes the current order.

The President reassured the public that travel from South Tarawa to Outer Islands is prohibited to control the spread of the virus. Residents of South Tarawa currently stranded on Outer Islands can return to South Tarawa. The Government is working closely with suppliers and service providers to facilitate the ongoing delivery of cargoes and supplies to Outer Islands in accordance to COVID-safe protocols of the MHMS.

The President also reminded the public to contact the toll free line 555 if they feel unwell with COVID-19 symptoms or visit the Tungaru Central Hospital with strict observance of SOP such as wearing of face masks, and social distancing. The public is urged to seek medical assistance and advice when needed at the earliest opportunity to prevent further complications.

President Maamau conveyed his acknowledgement of the tireless work of frontliners and the public’s patience and cooperation during this challenging time. The President also appealed to the public to restrict their movement to their bubbles or households. The President reaffirmed that accessing supplies from nearby shops can be made from 6am to 2pm and that this privilege is strictly limited for this purpose. The Government is working closely with wholesale suppliers, grocers and retailers to ensure shelves are replenished and residents of these lockdown locations have access to goods and supplies they need.

The President reiterated that the Government is tapping all available and necessary state resources to help manage this situation and added that united and working proactively and collaboratively we can respond and overcome this challenge and protect public health.

As conveyed in previous public announcements, a full dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is the best defender at present that can reduce risks of complications from COVID-19 and those who have not received their first and second doses should make the effort to get jabbed at the earliest possible. The vaccine protects us all if we are all vaccinated particularly those in our homes and communities who are more vulnerable to COVID-19.


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