Kiribati Launches its 2020-2023 Kiribati Development Plan

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(Bairiki, Tarawa Tuesday, 1st December 2021)

-----The Government of Kiribati launched its 2020-2023 Kiribati Development Plan (KDP) at the House of Parliament in Ambo on Thursday evening 2nd of December 2021. This 2020-2023 KDP is a guide that will keep Kiribati on its course as we pursue our long-term goal of achieving the Kiribati 20 Year vision (KV20) of a wealthy, healthy and peaceful nation with people at the centre of it all.

The core priorities of the KDP are to eliminate poverty and reduce inequality and injustice through inclusive economic growth, building human capabilities, enhancing the capacity of the state, and upholding the rule of law and principles of democracy.

The KDP maintains the six Key Policy Areas (KPAs) of the previous KDPs which have been rephrased to add more weight and meaning to them. These KPAs include (i)Harnessing Our Human Wealth, (ii) Growing our Economic Wealth and Leaving No-One Behind, (iii) Improving our Health, (iv) Protecting and Managing our Environment and Strengthening Resilience, (v) Good Governance and (vi) Developing our Infrastructure.

The Kiribati Development Plan is the second development plan presented by the Tobwaan Kiribati Government, to implement the Kiribati 20 Year Vision, KV20.

“As leaders and parents, we are responsible for giving our children a better Kiribati than we found it. Collectively, we are the custodians of our land, our oceans and our resources,” Vice President and Minister for Finance and Economic Development Honourable Dr Teuea Toatu said. “We must harness these resources wisely to sustain their capacity to provide us with food, jobs and livelihoods while protecting our culture and heritage and especially our highly vulnerable land and ocean ecosystems.”

Honourable Vice President Dr Teuea Toatu further commended the KDP Taskforce, the National Economic Planning Office and the Government of New Zealand along with all involved partners for their tireless efforts in supporting this work. “I commend the 2020-2023 KDP to all the people of Kiribati and to our Development Partners. Together, and with blessings of the Almighty, we can achieve the goals of the KDP for the benefit of our nation and the people.”


E a tia te Tautaeka ni Kiribati ni katabwenaa kanoan ana kainibaaire ni mwakuri (Kiribati Development Plan) ibukin te aua n ririki man 2020-2023 n te Mwaneaba ni Maungatabu i Ambo n tairikin te Kabong 2 bongin Ritembwa 2021.

Te kainibaaire aio are e na kaira aron ana waaki te Tautaeka ni kona ni kakoroa nanon ana kataratara ae 20 te ririki manna bwa e na riki Kiribati bwa te aba ae e kaubwai, e marurung ao man rau.

E moanibwai inanon te kainibaaire aio bon katokan te maeu ni kainano ao ai kauarerekean te kakaokoroaki ma karaoan mwakuri aika a aki riai rinanon waaki ibukin karikirakean kaubwain te aba, karikirakean aia konabwai te botannaomata, katamaroaan ana konabwai te aba ao ai kateimatoaan te tua ma karaoan nanon te waaki ibukin te Tautaeka n Inaomata.

Te kainibaaire aio e bon kateimatoai onoua kanoan babaire aika a kakawaki n aron are e mwaneweaki naba n taian kainibaaire ni mwakuri (KDPs) aika a nako ao man raimwaneweaki bwa e aonga n turuturu riki ao man nano riki nakon are e kantaningaia te Tautaeka.

Aio ai bon te kauoa ni kainibaaire ni mwakuri ae e karioaki iroun te Tautaeka aio are e kairaki iroun Tobwaan Kiribati, bwa e aonga ni koro nanon ana kataratara ae 20 te ririki manna.

“Ngkai ngaira taan kairiiri ao kaaro, ti kantaningaaki bwa ti na anganiia ara ataei Kiribati ae e kamaeuraoi riki nakon are ti taneiai iai. Ngaira bon taan tararuaa abara, ara marawa ao kaubwaira,” e taku te Kauoman ni Beretitenti ao te Minita ibukin te Mwane ma Babairean Karikirake ae Hon. Dr. Teuea Toatu. “Ti riai ni kabonganai raoi kaubwain abara n te aro ae e riai bwa a aonga ni kona n teimatoa ni katauraoi kainanora n aron te amwarake, te mwakuri ao man buooka arora ni maeu inanon te tai are ti katana iai kateira ma rikiara ao ai moara riki bon katanan abara ma ara marawa.”

E bon anga naba ana kakaitau te Kauoman ni Beretitenti nakon te Komete ae KDP Taskforce, te National Planning Office ao ai te Tautaeka n Nu Tiran n reitaki ma ake a tia n buooka aron kakororaoan te mwakuri. “I kaaitaua te kainibaaire ni mwakuri ibukin 2020-2023 nakoia te botannaomata ao Tautaeka ma rabwata ake Ti reitaki ma ngaia. Ngaira ni kabane, ao n reitaki ma ana karaoiroi teuare moan te Tabu, ti kona ni kakoroan nanon te kainibaaire aei ibukin kabwaian abara ao ara botannaomata.”

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