Ana itera te KOIL n irekereke ma te bwaa

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Nakoia ana customers ni kabane KOIL riki ake a kakamanena ana bwaa ae te Bentiin. Kam na bane ni mauri. Ti a rimoa n tabeka te bwanaa ni kabwarabure n aron namakinan te mwengabuaka ni irekereke ma taren ara bwaa aio n te aro ae aki kantaningaaki. Te kanganga aio e bon riki man rinanoan te kaboware ao aio are e waekoa KOIL ni kibaria inanon te weekend.  Ara kantaninga bwa imwin tian te kaboware aio ngkai a tia n uki aobiti ao e nang tobwaaki te kanganga n te tai ae waekoa.  Kam rabwa n ami taotaonannano ao e tabeka riki te bwana ni karautaeka ami kambwana ae te KOIL n rikin te kanganga ae boou aio.                                                                     ### For more info, contact: Communications& PR Unit, Office of The President, P.O Box 68, Bairiki, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati Tel: +686-75021183, Fax: +686-75021466, Mobile: +686-73026636; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloakbea221f53afbfcfeed479fc58fa8530b').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addybea221f53afbfcfeed479fc58fa8530b = 'tteabo' + '@'; addybea221f53afbfcfeed479fc58fa8530b = addybea221f53afbfcfeed479fc58fa8530b + 'ob' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'ki'; var addy_textbea221f53afbfcfeed479fc58fa8530b = 'tteabo';document.getElementById('cloakbea221f53afbfcfeed479fc58fa8530b').innerHTML += ''+addy_textbea221f53afbfcfeed479fc58fa8530b+''; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloak6acb0888a0b5f114fa6c39c195c69f93').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy6acb0888a0b5f114fa6c39c195c69f93 = 'tteabo' + '@'; addy6acb0888a0b5f114fa6c39c195c69f93 = addy6acb0888a0b5f114fa6c39c195c69f93 + 'ob' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'ki'; var addy_text6acb0888a0b5f114fa6c39c195c69f93 = '';document.getElementById('cloak6acb0888a0b5f114fa6c39c195c69f93').innerHTML += ''+addy_text6acb0888a0b5f114fa6c39c195c69f93+'';

Kabaerantan te Rongorongo — Sports Complex

  • Category: Blog
Kabonganaan te Sport Complex bon te babaire ae karina ibukin bukamaruan ana ka 44 n Ririki Abara ao e boboto iaon kanoan te bong are kamatoaa te Met. Office ibukin te tairiki anne ae ngaia ae karika te raraoma n te karau ibukiia ana iruwa aika a kakannato Kiribati n aron te Beretitenti mai Nauru ma kaain ana tiim, Ana Tia Tei te Kaomwanuareta, onean mwinTe Beretitenti mai Tiaina, ana Ambaetita Amerika ao ana Aikamitina Buritan. E rineaki te Sport Complex kioina ngkai e bon rangi ni mano raoi, e bubura ao e tamaroa man tau naba mwaitin te tabo n rairaki ibukiia iruwa aikai. Ni moa man bwakantaain te Kauabong, 11 July, 2023, ao ea karaoaki kawaraia ni kabane te koraki ake a katei tent ao ni karaoaki te iraorao ni maroro ao ni butiiaki aia ibuobuoki iaon baarongaan kabonganaan te sports complex ao aikai ngkanne babaire ake a butimwaai: i) NI moa man te aoa 2pm n te Katenibong ao a na in gate ibukin te rin nakon te Complex. ii) E na toki moa te kaboobwai ao ni manga uki n te aoa 9pm n te tairiki iii) Ibukin te tabeaianga ni buan aia bwai ao a kariaiakaki aia aomata bwa a na kona n tiku ni bon tarai aia bwai nako imwain are e a manga uki te bobwai n te aoa 9pm. E noraki kakawakin te reitaki n iraorao n te aro bwa a na noora kakawakin tararuaakiia ana iruwa Kiribati ao e na aki naba matebuaka karaoakin aia kaamwarake ke aia karikirake ngkai e na iai rootakin mwaitin te boobwai n te bong anne. Kabonganaakin te Complex e aki bwanin bongina ngkai e bon tii kabonganaaki man te aoa 2pm ni karokoa ae e bwara n te tairiki. A bon kaongoaki naba te botannaomata n te bong are imwain 12 July bwa e na kamwaawaaki moa nanon te Sport Complex ngkai e bon kainanoaki te rau ibukiia ana iruwa Kiribati ake a roko n reitaki naba ma kainanoan nanon te marae ibukin nneia kaa n tei inanon tain waakin te bukamaru anne. Te babaire ibukin kabonganaakin te Sport Complex e bon karaoaki rinanon ana baaronga te Komete ibukin baarongaan te State Banquet ao e ngae ngke e a bon taubobonga nanon te State Guest House, ma e a karaoaki te bitaki n te tai ae e waekoa man teimatoan bwakan te karau ao te ang are a ireiti inanon te wiiki ni Kainaomata. A na bon rangi ni mweengabuaka ara iruwa ngke arona bwa e booaki n te State Guests House ao ni kakarau kioina ngkai e na korakora te bururu ao te neinei n taabo tabeua ao man riki bwa taekan abara ngkana a okirii abaia. Korakoran te ang ma te karau e bon nooraki ni moanibongin wiikin te Kainaomata n tain te Gospel Day, ike a ukakinako man tabekakirake taian tents mani bouaia are e aki tangiraki bwa e na reke. Ngaira kaain Kiribati, kateira ae e moanibwai bon te kakairuwa ao te tangira n taainako. A rangi ni kakawaki ao ni moanibwai ara iruwa iroura n taainako, ao inanon ara utu aika a kakaokoro ao ti bae n tangiria bwa ti na anga ara tabo ae e mano raoi ao n rau ibukiia ara iruwa, bwa a na tiku moa iai ni karokoa te tai are a manga kiitaniira iai. lai te mwakuri ni kakae ae karaoaki ibukin karaoan te mwakuri ni kaongoraa ae ritinanikun te babaire ma te babaronga ao ngaia ae karika te rawawata ma te un irouia taan karikirake. Te kaongora aei are e karaoaki imwin te nukanibong n tairikin te Kauabong 11 n Tuurai 2023, ao e a bon ritinanikun ana babaire te komete ao te baaronga are ea tia ni karaoaki nakoia taan karikirake inanon ana compound te Sport Complex. E kakawaki bwa e na mataata te botannaomata, bwa n tain te bukamaru n 12 n Tuurai 2023 ao bon akea auti/tents aika uruakaki, ao akea naba aomata aika a kaotinakoaki n aron are e a tia n toka bwa rongorongo aika a kamwengabuakaia te botannaomata. E ngae n anne ao e karautaeka ami Tautaeka ao ni kawenea te bwana ni kabwarabure ao ni bubuti nakoia ake a teimatoa n aki rau nanoia n te babaire aei, bwa a bia noora kakawakin moanibwaian katein Abara ni kakairua nakoia ara iruwa aika a kakannato ake a roko n taoni tabon inaaira inanon rungaan ana ka 44 n lnaomata Abara ae Kiribati.

A na Katairiki ni kakaitau Beretitenti Taneti Maamau nakoia taan anga baia n ibuobuoki ao Kometen te ka 44 ni kauringa Bongin Abara

  • Category: Blog
(Bairiki, Tarawa, Kanimabong 21 n Turai 2023)-------E karaoa ana botaki ni katairiki ao ni kakaitau te Tautaeka nakoia Rabwata ake a tia n anga baia n ibuobuoki inanon kauringaan ana ka 44 n Inaomata Abara ae Kiribati. N ana marooro are e anga n tain te Katairiki aio ao e kawenea bwanana ni kakaitau Beretitenti Taneti Maamau nakon te Komete ni Kainaomata n aron aia tokanikai ni korakoraia are a tia n anga inanon wiikin te Kainaomata. E bon kawenea naba bwanana ni karabwarabwara nakoia Bitineti ma Botaki Ake itinanikun te Tautaeka ibukin teimatoan aia boutoka nakon waaki ake a karaoaki ibukin rungaan Bongin Abara, n reitaki ma Botaki ni Mwakuri ake a reke tibwangaia, Tautaeka Mai iabatera ake a teimatoa n anga baia n ibuobuoki ao ai n reitaki ma Ekaretia ao Botaki n Aro ake a tia n reiti nanoia ni kabane ibukin rungaan aia Taromauri ni katituaraoi ibukin kauringaan Bongin Abara, ao ai nakoia ni kabane ake a tia ni kabanea korakoraia ibukin kanakoraoan kauringaan Bongin Abara. E bon katerea naba te Beretitenti bwa e bon aki kona ni waaki te Tautaeka i bon irouna ma e teimatoa ni kainanoi boutoka n taainako ibukin kakoroan nanon ana kantaninga ibukin uakoraan riki te maeuraoi ao te kabwaia nakoia te botanaomata rinanon ara kibu ni koora n te ririki aei ae “Maeuraoi te Bootanaomata rinanon te babaronga raoi”. “Te kantaninga bwa tina bane n namakina te nano ni kukurei ao n reitaki iroura ni kabane ibukin kororaoin ao tamaroan te mwakuri ake tia tia ni bane n uaia ni waaki inanona,”e taku riki Beretitenti Taneti Maamau. ----------------------- The Government is hosting its dinner reception this evening to acknowledge the tireless efforts of those who have worked tirelessly to make this year’s National week of celebration an extraordinary milestone for our Government and our beloved people. In his keynote address, President Taneti Maamau extends his heartfelt gratitude to our valued partners outside the Government and within the National Day Organizing Committees for their genuine contributions. President Taneti Maamau also extends a special acknowledgment to Kiribati's development partners and members of the business community, whose generosity of time and resources has been instrumental in supporting the National Day of Kiribati, along with the historical participation of Nine Churches and Denominations in Kiribati, coming together for the first time to worship God in honour of Kiribati’s 44th anniversary celebration. “This reception is a tribute to your exceptional effort, unwavering dedication, and unparalleled commitment leading up to and during the Independence Day celebrations,” says President Taneti Maamau. ### For more info, contact: Communications& PR Unit, Office of The President, P.O Box 68, Bairiki, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati Tel: +686-75021183, Fax: +686-75021466, Mobile: +686-73026636; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloak73e43fff1f8af14249e50d6c9f2db6ba').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy73e43fff1f8af14249e50d6c9f2db6ba = 'tteabo' + '@'; addy73e43fff1f8af14249e50d6c9f2db6ba = addy73e43fff1f8af14249e50d6c9f2db6ba + 'ob' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'ki'; var addy_text73e43fff1f8af14249e50d6c9f2db6ba = 'tteabo' + '@' + 'ob' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'ki';document.getElementById('cloak73e43fff1f8af14249e50d6c9f2db6ba').innerHTML += ''+addy_text73e43fff1f8af14249e50d6c9f2db6ba+''; +4 See insights and ads Boost post All reactions: 167167

A na Katairiki ni kaitiboo Beretitenti Taneti Maamau ma kaain te Ark Peace Hospital mai Tiaina

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(Bairiki, Tarawa, Wednesday, 19 n Turai 2023)-------E karaoa ana botaki ni katairiki ni kaitiboo ao ni kakaitau te Tautaeka ma kaain ana kaibuke n onaoraki te Tautaeka n Tiaina n te State Guest House i Bairiki n te tairiki aei. E roko i Kiribati ana kaibuke n onaoraki Tiaina ae te Ake n Raoi ke Ark Peace Hospital n te Kaonobong ae 15 bongin Turai 2023 ao ni beibeti n te matabaiawa i Betio ibukin karaoan ana mwakuri n ibuobuoki nakoia kaain Kiribati ake iai aorakiia inanon te maan ae teuana te wiiki. A na Kaitairiki te Tautaeka ae e karaoia aei e bon kaota iai aron kinaakin aia mwakuri n ibuobuoki aika a rangi ni kakawaki ibukin kateimatoan marurungiia kaain Kiribati man aia ibuobuoki are a waakinna. Te ibuobuoki aei e bon rangi ni kaineti ma ana waaki te Tautaeka ni kakoroa nanon ana kataratara ae 20 te ririki bwa e na riki Kiribati bwa te aba ae a marurung raoi kaaina. N ana marooro are e anga n tain te botaki ae e kakawaki aei ao e bon anga bwanaana ni kakaitau Beretitenti Taneti Maamau nakon ana tiim n ibuobuoki te Tautaeka n Tiaina aio are e a tia ngkai ni buokiia e raka iaon 2 te ngaa mwaitiia aoraki inanon aua te bong n nako. E katerea naba bwa te ibuobuoki aei bon kanikinaean te reitaki ae e rangi n tamaroa man teimatoa imarenan Kiribati ao Tiaina. E bon anga naba ana kakatekeraoi Beretitenti Taneti Maamau nakoia kaain te tiim n ibuobuoki aei inanon reitakinakoan riki aia mwakuri n ibuobuoki ae akea boona iaon Kiribati ao inanon naba te tai are a karairaki iai n te Kaonobong aei. ----------------------- The Government of Kiribati is hosting its State Dinner Reception this evening in honour of welcoming the medical team and crew of the Chinese Ark Peace Navy Hospital at the State Guest House. The Ark Peace Hospital came to Kiribati on Saturday 15th of July 2023 on a tour mission to provide its one-week humanitarian assistance to the people of Kiribati. The reception is held to demonstrate the Government's dedication to acknowledge and respect the tremendous contribution and invaluable humanitarian assistance of the Ark Peace Hospital to the people of Kiribati which really aligns well with the Government’s Kiribati Vision for 20 years to make Kiribati a healthy nation. In his keynote address, H.E President Taneti Maamau extends his deepest gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to the crew and medical team of the Ark Peace Hospital for their tireless efforts to assist over 2 thousand patients for the last four days. This humanitarian assistance really demonstrates the very warm and enduring bilateral relation between Kiribati and China. H.E President Taneti Maamau commended the Ark Peace Hospital team and wished them the best of luck while continuing their mission in Kiribati and upon their departure this coming Saturday. ### For more info, contact: Communications& PR Unit, Office of The President, P.O Box 68, Bairiki, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati Tel: +686-75021183, Fax: +686-75021466, Mobile: +686-73026636; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloak0ebcc065f35e33a26fa272dd6fdad7d3').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy0ebcc065f35e33a26fa272dd6fdad7d3 = 'tteabo' + '@'; addy0ebcc065f35e33a26fa272dd6fdad7d3 = addy0ebcc065f35e33a26fa272dd6fdad7d3 + 'ob' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'ki'; var addy_text0ebcc065f35e33a26fa272dd6fdad7d3 = 'tteabo' + '@' + 'ob' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'ki';document.getElementById('cloak0ebcc065f35e33a26fa272dd6fdad7d3').innerHTML += ''+addy_text0ebcc065f35e33a26fa272dd6fdad7d3+'';

E raka aron aia nebonebo n reitaki Aaro ma Ekaretia nako n tain bukamaruan ana ka 44 n ririki Abara

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(Bairiki, Tarawa, Kaabong, 10 n Turai 2023)------E raka aron aia Taromauri n reitaki Aaro ma Ekaretia nako n te bong aei ae te Moanibong 10 n Turai 2023 ibukin bukamaruan ana ka 44 n ririki Abara, n te ririki aei are e boo n mwaneaban te Katorika i Teaoraereke ae Santo Ioteba mwaneaba. Aio are ai bon tibwa te moan tai are a bane ni katiteuanaaki iai Botaki n Aro ma Ekaretia nako iaon Kiribati ni kakaitau nakon te Atua ibukin kauringaan Bongin Abara n Turai te ririki aio, ao ibukin teimatoan ana tararua ao ana kakabwaia nakon abara n te maan ae 44 te ririki. “E nangi n nakoraoi bwa ti a reitaki ni kabane ma kain Aaro ma Ekaretia nako iaoni Kiribati ibukin neboan te Atua ao kabwaian Kiribati”, ana taeka temanna man te Aro teuana are kaota ana iango ni kanoan te bong aio. “Nakoraoin te reitaki n taromauri nakon te Atua n te bong aei, e bon kaea raoi taekan te boto ni iango ke te theme ibukin te Gospel Day n te ririki aei”, ana marooroo naba temanna are e titirakinaki ana noonoori n te bong aio. “Tao iai iangoana naba n ririki aika a nako, ma e a koro raoi nanona n te ririki aio ni kaota aron te babaaronga raoi ao onimakinan te Atua” ana bwaebwaeti temanna naba are e kaina te bootaki n reitaki aei. E bon anga bwanana ni kakaitau H.E Beretitenti Taneti Maamau nakoia kaain Aro ma Ekareria ni kabane ake a tia n uaia n inanoi ao n katiteuanaaki inanon te Taromauri n Reitaki aei, ao man bukamarua koron ana ka 44 n ririki n Inaomata Abara ae Kiribati. Te boto n iango ibukin te Taromauri n Reitaki n te ririki aei e kaangai taekana: Maeuraoin te botanaomata man te babaronga raoi ae aanaki n onimakinan te Atua. ----------------- All Churches and Faith-Based Organizations in Kiribati have joined together in a historic gathering, possibly unprecedented in the entire world, to devoutly worship God during this year’s Gospel Day. This momentous event took place today, 10th July, 2023 at Santo Iotebwa Catholic’s mwaneaba in Teaoraereke, coinciding with the National Day celebrations. His Excellency President Taneti Maamau conveyed his heartfelt gratitude and deep appreciation for the presence of all Churches and Faith-based organizations to unite in worship, putting aside their different ways of worship and to come together as one, participating in this sacred day of worship. Their collective unity symbolizes a commemoration of the 44th National Day of Kiribati. This year’s Gospel Day theme is, A prosperous nation through good governance and faith in God ### For more info, contact: Communications& PR Unit, Office of The President, P.O Box 68, Bairiki, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati Tel: +686-75021183, Fax: +686-75021466, Mobile: +686-73056366; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloak03b9983061b190a59a82475daa3c01c6').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy03b9983061b190a59a82475daa3c01c6 = 'tteabo' + '@'; addy03b9983061b190a59a82475daa3c01c6 = addy03b9983061b190a59a82475daa3c01c6 + 'ob' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'ki'; var addy_text03b9983061b190a59a82475daa3c01c6 = 'tteabo' + '@' + 'ob' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'ki';document.getElementById('cloak03b9983061b190a59a82475daa3c01c6').innerHTML += ''+addy_text03b9983061b190a59a82475daa3c01c6+'';

Nang kateaki uoua riki taabo ni katantan ibukin buokan te mwamwananga

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(Bairiki, Tarawa, Taabati 17 n Eberi 2022)---- E waaki ngkai te Tautaeka ni barongaa aron mwakurian te kateitei ibukin uoua taabo ni katantan aika a boou ake a na tauraoi ni kabonganaaki ibukiia bwatintia ake a na tauraoi n roko iaon Kiribati inanon taairake aikai iaon Tarawa ma Kiritimati. E kamatoa te Botaki ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki bwa e tabe ngkai ni waaki baarongaan te mwakuri iaon taabo ake e na waaki iai te kateitei n reitaki ma onobwai aika a bubura n aron are e na tauraoi ni waaki n te Otintaai Outeero i Bikenibeu ao n reitaki naba ma teuana are e na kateaki i Tabwakea iaon Kiritimati. E mwanenaki katean taian quarantine centres aikai man ana buoka te Asian Development Bank n reitaki ma te Tautaeka ibukin buokan ana waaki iaon te COVID-19. N tian raoi taian baaronga ake a waaki n te tai aio ao e a waaki naba te mwakuri ni kateitei ibukin taabo ni katantan aika uoua aikai. E katautauaki bwa n tian taian kateitei aikai ao e na rawata riki te tabo ni katantan ibukin okiia kaain abara ao aomata ake a na buoka ana karikirake te Tautaeka ao ake a kan roko n neweaba iaon abara ao a bati riki. E ngae n anne ao n te tai aei ao e waaki moa te Tautaeka ni baarongaa aron te kaokioki ibukiia kaain abara ake a bae mwanangaia n okira Kiribati ni kaineti ma butin te Aoraki ae te COVID-19 ao ni kabonganaaki moa taabo aika aia auti ni matuu ataein te EBS ao ai te Sports Complex ibukin te katantan. ------------------ The Government of Kiribati will soon construct two new quarantine centers that will be used for inbound travelers from abroad who will be arriving in Tarawa and Kiritimati. The Ministry of Health and Medical Services affirms that construction plans are still in progress on the renovation, demolishing, and construction of a new building at the Otintaai Hotel together with the building of a new quarantine facility at Tabwakea village on Christmas Island. This project is funded by the Asian Development Bank. After completion of the construction plans, implementation on the constructions would commence very soon on the two new quarantine buildings. It is expected that upon completion of the two new buildings, Government would be able to facilitate and manage more flights from abroad for international passengers, Technical Assistants, tourists and many more to come to our shores. Meanwhile, the Government is currently arranging repatriation flights for all stranded nationals abroad using the EBS dormitories in Bikenibeu and the Sports Complex in Betio as temporary quarantine centers. ### For more info, contact: Communications& PR Unit, Office of The President, P.O Box 68, Bairiki, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati Tel: +686-75021183, Fax: +686-75021466, Mobile: +686-73026636; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloak7f58d373ac96689b1982528086624f8c').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy7f58d373ac96689b1982528086624f8c = 'tteabo' + '@'; addy7f58d373ac96689b1982528086624f8c = addy7f58d373ac96689b1982528086624f8c + 'ob' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'ki'; var addy_text7f58d373ac96689b1982528086624f8c = 'tteabo' + '@' + 'ob' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'ki';document.getElementById('cloak7f58d373ac96689b1982528086624f8c').innerHTML += ''+addy_text7f58d373ac96689b1982528086624f8c+'';

Kakaitau te Tautaeka ni Kiribati n nooran ana ibuobuoki ana Kaibuke n Onaoraki Tiaina nakoia kaain Kiribati

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(Bairiki, Tarawa, Moanibong, 17 n Turai 2023)------E a tia Kautun Kiribati H.E Beretitenti Taneti Maamau ni kanakoa bwanaana ni kakaitau nakon ana tiim n ibuobuoki ibukin te Kuakua te Tautaeka n Tiaina ake a roko n aia kaibuke n Onaoraki ae te Ake n Raoi ni karaoa te mwakuri ni kamaeu ao n ibuobuoki nakoia kaain Kiribati ake iai aorakiia. E mwaneweia Beretitenti Taneti Maamau bwa e rangi ni materaoi rokon te kaibuke n onaoraki aei ngkai e korakora ana ibuobuoki ao e raka iaon teuana te ngaa ngkai mwaitiia ake a tia n reke buokaia man te ibuobuoki ae akea boona aei man te Kaonobong ae e nako ao ngkoananoa ae te Taabati. “Te ibuobuoki aei are e bon rangi ni boutokaa naba kanoan ana KV20 te Tautaeka ni Kiribati bwa e na riki Abara aio bwa te aba ae a marurung kaaina ao Ti bon rangi ni kakaitau nakon te Tautaeka n Tiaina ibukin ana ibuobuoki aei,” e taku riki te Beretitenti. Ibuakoia ake a tia ni buokaki man te ibuobuoki aei ao bon iai naba te ataei are e bungiaki iaon te kaibuke n onaoraki aei ao are e a katokaaki irouna ingoan aran te kaibuke n onaoraki aei ao n anganaki arana ae Aken Teraoi. E na tiku inanon teuana te wiiki te kaibuke n onaoraki aei ao man teimatoa ni waakina ana ibuobuoki, tiaki tii iaon te kaibuke, ma a tia naba ngkai ni karoko n mwaneaba tabeua ike a karaoi naba aia mwakuri n ibuobuoki ao n tutuo nakoia te botannaomata ao ni bon nakon te onaoraki I Nawerewere. Te waaki n ibuobuoki aei e bon kanikinaea aron tamaroan te reitaki imarenan te Tautaeka n Tiaina ao Kiribati ao ai uana naba kateimatoaan ana mwakuri n ibuobuoki te Tautaeka n Tiaina nakoia te botannaomata n te aonnaba aei bwa a na teimatoa ni marurung. ------------------------ Kiribati’s Head of State and President, His Excellency Taneti Maamau extends his deepest gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to the Humanitarian Team from the Government of the People's Republic of China. The team, aboard the Chinese Ark Peace Hospital, provided invaluable medical assistance to the people of Kiribati, emphasizing their commitment to Humanitarian aid. President Taneti Maamau says over one thousand patients have received medical assistance from the Ark Peace Hospital since Saturday and Sunday. “This assistance is aligned well with our Kiribati’s Vision for 20 years to make Kiribati a healthy country and the Government of Kiribati is much appreciated and very honored to receive this humanitarian assistance,” says President Maamau. Among the beneficiaries of this medical assistance, there was a significant moment when a pregnant mother successfully gave birth to her newborn child at the Ark Peace Hospital. In a touching tribute to the vessel’s support, the child was named Aken Teraoi. This heartwarming event further exemplifies the positive impact and lasting connections created through the humanitarian efforts provided by the Ark Peace Hospital. The ship will stay at Betio port within seven days by continuing its invaluable humanitarian assistance to the people of Kiribati. Additionally, it will extend its reach by visiting various mwaneaba in the Capital Tarawa and those at Nawerewere hospital as well. This outreach aims to provide similar assistance to those who were unable to visit the ship directly. This humanitarian assistance is a gesture from the Government and the People’s Republic of China to maintain and express its friendship and strong commitment to the people of Kiribati and to the whole world in building, fostering and enhancing diplomatic relations and to maintain good health of the people. ### For more info, contact: Communications& PR Unit, Office of The President, P.O Box 68, Bairiki, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati Tel: +686-75021183, Fax: +686-75021466, Mobile: +686-73026636; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloak9ee81d17b29115322b2784dfeb1b7c95').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy9ee81d17b29115322b2784dfeb1b7c95 = 'tteabo' + '@'; addy9ee81d17b29115322b2784dfeb1b7c95 = addy9ee81d17b29115322b2784dfeb1b7c95 + 'ob' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'ki'; var addy_text9ee81d17b29115322b2784dfeb1b7c95 = 'tteabo' + '@' + 'ob' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'ki';document.getElementById('cloak9ee81d17b29115322b2784dfeb1b7c95').innerHTML += ''+addy_text9ee81d17b29115322b2784dfeb1b7c95+'';